Sunday, May 6, 2012


Hello! So over the last few days I have been scavenging for writers. You can check them out on the right sidebar.  Some of the writers are permanent, while some others I am not sure. Now I am looking for partner blogs, so if you own a blog and are interested, please let me know! Please make sure to follow the blog! Expect contests, makeup tutorials, and much more soon! I will also be making banners for the writers!

Just my little intro....

Hey! I'm Crazymich16/Michelle! I'm a writer here on The Stardoll Picture, I am so happy that I am contributing to this blog! I've been on stardoll for about a year already. I started in mid-may. Anyways, if you want to find out more about me visit me here! If you have a Polyvore follow or see my creations here! I hope this blog will be a great sucess!

-Crazymich16/Michelle 8)


Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Hottest, Latest, Newest Stardoll Blog!

Hello! It's Bryanna! You probably know me from Stardoll as IvoryRainbow, or as every person annoyingly calls me, Ivy or Ivory. But I'm not here to talk about the me. This blog is not for people with experience, its for my friends and a bunch of other awesome users who are new to blogging. And the best thing is that writees on here write about anything they want, as long as it's about Stardoll. Since I just made this blog, it still needs writers but soon there will be writers pouring in. I'm starting with my friends first because I know them well. But soon I will let others join as well!
xoxo Bree